Social connectivity for health

Many of my patients are single. Many of them are comfortable in their current lives, but a much larger proportion are alone by circumstance, and find it difficult if not paralyzing to try to change. While there are many facets of this situation, my specific interest is in the health effects of being alone. We […]

Dietary health recommendations

Dietary health recommendations Which kinds of food to avoid, and which to include are a long-time foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy. For a long time, I have wanted to offer a comprehensive approach to dietary therapy. The theories of Chinese Medicine encompass which foods can help to alleviate or remedy certain conditions, which ones […]

Emotional Reactivity Mechanism – Book

Early in my practice, I started to notice long-term health problems coinciding frequently with distinct patterns of emotional reaction to stress. Many patients were aware of these reactions but were frustrated in their many efforts to change those reactions, and their physical health suffered correspondingly. I found that while I could often achieve short-term relief […]

West Lake Clinic Blog

Many people suggested that I could use a blog to present more information about some of the things that we discuss in the clinic, as well as some of the work that I am doing outside of the clinic work. So here is my first attempt. These are some projects that I have had in […]